Expert management consulting for property owners and occupiers.

We know that the property and assets that organisations utilise to run their business is key to efficient operations, staff satisfaction and financial performance.

This means that the effective management of property and assets can add significant value to business performance and the achievement of strategic goals.

Despite this, many organisations don’t have the right structures, contracts, systems or people skills required to manage this important and expensive asset.

And that’s where Grosvenor comes in...

Specialist management consulting for property owners and occupiers.

Do any of these challenges sound familiar?

  • I need to reduce space and consolidate sites in the post-COVID world.
  • I know I need to reduce property costs, but I’m unclear how.
  • Do I have the right team and skills for the job?
  • There’s constant noise from business units on property’s lack of customer focus.
  • I have too many service contracts and no ability to manage performance.
  • There’s a lack of visibility on property performance and I’m unsure what to measure.
  • I have no clear long term property strategy or understanding about whether I even need one.
  • I’m concerned about the independence of traditional property advisors.
  • I’ve tried expensive and useless advice from large consulting firms. And frankly, I don’t like dealing with them.

Here are some of the ways we assist organisations and their property teams:

  • Review property structure and teams to target improvements.
  • Assess current management capability and develop plans to fill the gaps.
  •  Determine what you need to do in house and what you should contract out.
  • Assess contract performance and develop contract management strategies.
  • Develop and implement market engagement strategies for outsourcing and contracting.
  • Reduce costs through our specialist property procurement capabilities.
  • Develop accommodation strategies and business cases.
  • Develop asset plans and strategies that align to business goals and manage compliance.
  • Review property data and management systems to improve visibility and reporting.
  • Develop property strategies to inform your business to achieve its vision.
  • Review your business model and determine how best to deliver your property services.


And here’s how we do it:

  • Analysing your current property function, portfolio and contracts against best practice.
  • Assessing the alignment between your management of property and business objectives.
  • Providing specialist property procurement and organisational review skills to support internal teams.
  • Designing and implementing changes to process, systems and procedures to help teams be the best they can be.
Pyramid graph

Transform an average performing property function into a high performing operation

The three keys to effective corporate real estate management and cost control

If you have the responsibility for managing the complex property assets and accommodation that your organisation uses to deliver its core business, then this guide is for you:

  • Understand where the next level of performance will come from
  • Learn how to reduce costs and add value to your organisation's strategic goals and objectives
  • Determine property requirements under an ever-changing, mobile workforce
  • Be recognised as a key contributor to your organisation's success.

This guide is as relevant to organisations that use property assets to accommodate staff and to service customers, as it is to transport, health, education and government property.

Get in Touch

Whether you are looking to get more out of your projects, are interested in collaboration or would like to talk about joining the Grosvenor team, please get in touch.