The third level of management for corporate property is the operational layer which covers the nut and bolts of day to day portfolio performance.
Like building foundations, property services and the contracts that support them they need to be solid and well-built if they are to support the strategy and enable the transactions that sit above them.
These functions are much the same across organisations and typically high volume, low value (per activity) and scalable activities meaning they can often be largely outsourced. They are also process and data driven which means that they rely on information systems.
What you need and how property management information systems (PMIS) add value and reduce risk.
Reviewing current projects or designing better ways to deliver projects on time and within budget.
Using operational data and systems to change organisational behaviours and make discussions that reduce costs and improve business outcomes.
Why organisations outsource, what the benefits are and how to decide if it suits your business.
What you need to know about the physical aspects of corporate property risk and how to make sure they are being managed
Like maximising the performance of your staff, maximising the performance of your property accommodation portfolio is far more complicated than simple cost management.
For example, well managed property can also add value to your business through increased productivity, reduced staff turnover and absenteeism and by reduced risks and insurance costs.
Additionally, by managing property more strategically you can enhance your brand to both customers and to potential new staff.
Conversely, poorly managed property can actually detract from your brand and most importantly impede actual business performance.
This then begs the question, if property is such a large part of the business cost base and there are all these potential benefits and pitfalls, then why doesn’t it get the same level of management attention as HR or IT?
Find out why and how to implement positive change through proven property portfolio management strategies.