Ross Macfarlane

Ross Macfarlane

RM The Risk Manager

WHS, risk, quality, environmental

Principal of RM The Risk Manager, Ross is a safety and risk management specialist with almost 30 years’ experience.

Ross is intimately familiar with risk management, OHS, environmental and quality management standards and processes, including AS 4801, OHSAS 18001, SafetyMAP, National OHS Audit Tool, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and ISO 31000. He is also a Lead Auditor for OHS, Environment and Quality with 3 JAS-ANZ accredited Certifying Bodies.

Qualifications: B App Sc (Chem), Grad Cert App Sc (Cleaner Production), Diploma of OHS, Cert IV Training and Assessment, Lead Auditor; OHS, QMS and EMS, RABQSA OHS Principal Auditor No. 110265

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