Multiple evaluation delivery. No problem for Grosvenor’s evaluation team!
3 separate but interlinked program evaluations
Our client is in the NSW Government, in an emerging technology area. Our client’s job is to increase awareness about and uptake of this new consumer-focused technology.
The Situation
Our client engaged us to evaluate three separate but interlinked programs, all funding grants designed to assist organisations in acquiring the new technology and enabling infrastructure.
Grosvenor was engaged to evaluate the team’s effectiveness in informing various audiences of each program, as well as, assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of each grant’s user journey. Evaluation of each program’s broader design and effectiveness in achieving overall objectives was outside the project’s scope.
The Approach
Our approach began by workshopping Key Evaluation Questions (KEQs), sub-KEQs, and Key Success Factors in collaboration with our client. Grosvenor then collected the data required to answer the KEQs, through:
- a review of the documentation provided, including communications plans, status reports, assessment plans, a range of templates, funding guidelines, FAQs, and other relevant documentation.
- consultations with both internal and external stakeholders involved in each of the three programs. Such stakeholders included members of each program team, the leadership group, industry bodies, and grantees (successful and unsuccessful)
- grant applicant surveys
- a walkthrough of each program’s grant application portal and review of the data fields required by the application portal.
Collected data was collated and synthesised to form the findings, conclusions, and recommendations that made up the final report. The report considered each program separately while providing over-arching findings across all three programs.
The Result
Grosvenor’s evaluation provided our client team with valuable insights, including improvement opportunities for each of the three programs, areas of success which the team should seek to consolidate, and environmental risks to remain vigilant of.
Among other things, the report’s recommendations provided guidance on how to improve engagement with industry, embed tracking and reporting mechanisms, expand education efforts, and improve the ease of use of their application portals.
Our client’s feedback highlighted the usefulness of the report’s insights, as well as the professional and constructive way Grosvenor engaged with the team.
Do you have an evaluation challenge that you need to discuss?
Contact our evaluation experts hello@grosvenor.com.au