Public Sector Procurement

Better contract management outcomes: A principles based framework

Grosvenor worked with a public organisation in New South Wales to improve their contract management. Our client not only required the confidence that the organisation complies with all regulation but at the same time wanted to increase the value they receive from their contracts.We assisted our client in the implementation for a flagship contract.

Public Sector Procurement

Procurement reporting that drives results

A NSW State Government client is on a journey to implement a new Enterprise Resource System (ERP). While the new system will enhance the availability and validity of data, our client understands that just reporting on nice-to-know statistics, such as the number of purchase orders raised and the number of suppliers used, doesn’t help much. Grosvenor was able to design three streamlined reports that enable our client to track procurement outcomes across the organisation.

Public Sector Procurement

Five tips for successful services procurements

A government authority, the key buyer for health goods and services within the state, was procuring a services contract for the transport of patients to and from hospitals, care facilities and their homes. Grosvenor was engaged to assist with developing the tender response for our client. The scope of our engagement included the development of the written response and project management of the whole tender submission process. Our client increased its volume of service delivery substantially!

Public Sector Procurement

Transport for NSW awarded highest level Procurement Accreditation

In 2011 the NSW Government introduced its Scheme for Goods and Services Procurement Accreditation (the Scheme). Grosvenor reviewed extensive documentation and interrogated TfNSW’s procurement data. TfNSW was awarded the highest level of accreditation by the Department of Finance and Services, following our review.

Public Sector Procurement

Building procurement’s confidence to generate value

Recent changes have devolved accountabilities and responsibilities for most procurement activities to government agencies accredited under the NSW Scheme for Goods and Services Accreditation. Grosvenor subsequently provided this client with a more comprehensive and business-specific review of their procurement function, which identified opportunities to implement better practice incorporating the requirements of the Scheme and other learnings of better practice organisations.

Public Sector Procurement

Cutting travel spend through whole-of-government procurement strategy

The Australian Government had identified Commonwealth travel expenditure as a potential source of significant savings. The Commonwealth Department of Finance was charged with identifying a strategy for quantifying and realising these savings. One realisation strategy for detailed consideration was the establishment of whole-of-government purchasing arrangements for travel.

Public Sector Procurement

Kickstarting careers: Procurement of the Smart, Skilled and Hired Youth Employment Program

Our client recognised the high stakes nature of procuring to-date non-existing services from a non-existing market in rural NSW and engaged Grosvenor to run the end-to-end procurement stream for this program. Instead of detailed specifications, we developed documentation that clearly described what the problems were that YE Program was designed to address and how success will be measured and rewarded.

Public Sector Procurement

Revolutionising grant and contract management for SA Health

The project team delivered the strategy to re-align the management of grants and contracts with market requirements, stakeholder expectations and best practice. The strategy was approved by the Chief Executive Officer and his leadership team in early 2019. Grosvenor was retained to implement the elements of the strategy, including a capability uplift in commissioning across the Department.

Light bulbs
Public Sector Procurement

Professionalised contract and partner management at Ausgrid

Ausgrid has a large decentralised contract management function with more than 150 staff responsible for getting best performance from thousands of suppliers. To align this function with the overall business objectives of achieving sustainable, reliable and affordable outcomes for its electricity customers it was necessary to introduce a consistent way for how contracts are managed.  

Public Sector Procurement

Procurement transformation increased capabilities by 30%

The client recognised the need to establish a centre-led procurement function to adequately address business risks, legislative requirements and create better procurement outcomes. We identified the right size of the centre-led team, its roles and responsibilities during sourcing and contract management and a detailed implementation plan based on Grosvenor’s Procurement Framework.

Public Sector Procurement

NSW Health: A capability diagnostic of capital works procurement functions

Across NSW Health, 15 Local Health Districts (LHDs) deliver capital works projects, each project with a value of up to $10M. Above this threshold projects are delivered by a separate entity, NSW Health Infrastructure.

Public Sector Procurement

P2P Transformation – eCatalogues to delight buyers and suppliers

Our client is a large NSW public sector organisation with a need to establish central eCatalogues that their buyers, their suppliers and their Finance and Audit teams were going to be delighted with. This would ensure high uptake and maximum benefits.

Public Sector Procurement

Turning around the performance of a large outsourced contract

Large complex contract relationships require high-quality management skills and high-quality performance measures. Even with the best intentions parties can often find themselves at loggerheads when assessing performance. With over two decades of experience, Grosvenor works with clients to ensure contracts and contract relationships are performing.

Public Sector Procurement

Procurement of software development and maintenance services for four business critical systems

Our client engaged Grosvenor to run the end to end procurement project. Tied in with this was a contract and performance management framework, service level agreements and a risk and reward model that incentivised good performance.

Public Sector Procurement

Finding a suitable Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution for a NSW Government Client

Our NSW Government client's procurement team has been on a path of renewal and continuous improvement in contract management and sourcing. This required a capability uplift across the client's procurement function, which is well underway. The client is now embarking on a project to align its sourcing and contract management processes and systems with better practice.

Public Sector Procurement

Procurement of Software Development and Maintenance Services

Our client engaged Grosvenor to run the end to end procurement project. A series of workshops determined the critical success factors for the delivery of these services over five years. Tied in with this was a contract and performance management framework, service level agreements and a risk and reward model that incentivised good performance. This type of contracting approach was new to the client, but the benefits were quickly understood.

Public Sector Procurement

Procurement Diagnostic and Implementation of Better Practice

Our client is responsible for the biggest program of public transport infrastructure in Australia. The agency identified a need to review its procurement processes to ensure, not only that they remain compliant with government policies, but also align with better practice, ensuring a seamless experience for the end users and suppliers. Our client partnered with Grosvenor to define a best-in-class procurement function for its professional services category, to tailor the new processes and principles, and to apply them to a complex engineering contract.

Process review
Public Sector Procurement

Procurement Process Review

This Commonwealth department identified a need to review its procurement processes to improve efficiency, compliance, and staff capabilities. The department engaged Grosvenor Procurement Advisory (Grosvenor) to conduct this review and ensure that it has effective and efficient procurement practices that deliver value for money, follow robust governance and probity, is compliant with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, uplift commercial processes and procedures, optimise the procurement pipeline and follow higher-order policies.

contract health check
Public Sector Procurement

Contract Health Check for Health

This State Government Branch identified a need to strengthen it's contract management capabilities including activities such as improving existing contract management plans, clarification of roles and responsibilities, standardising processes and, in general terms, aligning with better practice.

Public Sector Procurement

Music Notation Software Analysis

Grosvenor was engaged to conduct a market analysis of music notation software providers. The purpose of this analysis was to determine a benchmark for adequate software provision and identify potential solutions that meet or exceed this benchmark for the Department to explore further.​

Get in Touch

Whether you are looking to get more out of your projects, are interested in collaboration or would like to talk about joining the Grosvenor team, please get in touch.