Ask yourself these 5 questions if you have a Contingent Workforce Management system
1. Are your processes now faster and more efficient? All of them?
2. Is everyone happy with the system and consistently using it?
3. Are you getting the standardisation, cost benefits and control that you expected?
4. Are you compliant with workforce legislation, payrates, awards and employment contracts?
5. Are you leveraging the system to see and manage all contractors and professional service providers?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of the above, you’re in good company. A great many organisations are not fully realising all the benefits available to them from a Contingent Workforce Management solution. Particularly when it comes to extending it beyond temporary labour to other contractors and professional services (we call this Statement of Work or SOW).
Ironing out any glitches and implementing SOW often requires a procurement or commercial focus in addition to your current Human Resources capability.
We have put together an eBook that helps you identify how you get the most of your procurement solution – instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Download it now to understand how your intended benefits of your existing technology investments can still be achieved.