Ask yourself these 5 questions if you’re thinking about getting a Contingent Workforce Management solution
1. Are you paying the same rate for the same type of employee across the whole business?
2. Do you know what technology solutions the market offers?
3. Do you know you can get visibility of all your workforce by implementing a system to manage all your temporary workers, contingent with timesheets AND other short-term contractors and professional services providers?
4. Do you fully understand the level of change and ongoing support required to implement and sustain a successful solution?
5. Does your Procurement, Human Resources and Finance teams have the capability and the time to design, specify and embed optimal processes to realise objectives?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of the above, you’re not alone. In fact, in these busy and fast-moving times, very few could answer yes to all five. Many organisations that set out to acquire a new contingent workforce management system learn as they go, often experiencing added costs, blowout in timeframes and less than optimal outcomes.
We have put together an eBook that helps you identify how you get the most of your future procurement solution.
Download it now as it contains valuable lessons-learnt from practitioners who have implemented systems for more than twenty years.